Harrissons Dogfish and Southern Dogfish are part of a group of sharks called Upper-Slope Dogfish or Gulper Sharks. Over a number of years — in line with the objectives of the Fisheries Management Act — AFMA has put a series of closures in place to protect Gulper Shark. These closures are equivalent in area to […]

14 January 2014, 9:30am. For immediate release. The South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA) is delighted to announce that it is the recipient of a $360,000 Australian Government grant. The Caring for our Country grant will be used to further reduce the low number of collisions that occur between seabirds and the cables used […]

14 January 2014, 9:30am. For immediate release. The South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA) is delighted to announce that it is the recipient of a $360,000 Australian Government grant. The Caring for our Country grant will be used to further reduce the low number of collisions that occur between seabirds and the cables used […]

AFMA sets a budget in each fishery each year. SETFIA is involved in process for the South East Trawl Fishery (SETF). AFMA’s budgetary year is the financial year (end June to 1 July). However, the first (of three) levy notice arrived in January. The delay in sending the first levy notice means that if the […]

Until recently, the FAO’s food price index failed to incorporate seafood, a key contributor to the global food system. The omission of seafood was surprising because fishing dates back at least 40,000 years and seafood now contributes 15% of average animal protein consumption to three billion people worldwide. Moreover, fisheries and aquaculture directly employed 44.9 […]