Evaluating the sustainability and environmental impacts of trawling compared to other food production systems
Evaluating the sustainability and environmental impacts of trawling compared to other food production systems Abstract Mobile bottom contact gear such as trawls is widely considered to have the highest environmental impact of commonly used fishing gears, with concern about impact on benthic communities, bycatch, and carbon footprint frequently highlighted as much higher than other forms […]
Deep sea corals on South-East seamounts
Deep sea corals on South-East seamounts Abstract Environmental harm to deep-sea coral reefs on seamounts is widely attributed to bottom trawl fishing. Yet, accurate diagnoses of impacts truly caused by trawling are surprisingly rare. Similarly, comprehensive regional assessments of fishing damage rarely exist, impeding evaluations of, and improvements to, conservation measures. Here we report on […]
Economic and social value of Victoria’s wildcatch and aquaculture industries
Economic and social value of Victoria’s wildcatch and aquaculture industries Abstract Victoria has had a professional seafood industry for over 170 years. It’s small relative to those of other Australian states but it’s highly diverse, with a wide variety of fishing and farming methods and target species. Wild-catch fisheries stretch along the Victorian coast from […]
Fishing is one of the lowest threats facing the world’s oceans
Fishing is one of the lowest threats facing the world’s oceans Abstract Humans interact with the oceans in diverse and profound ways. The scope, magnitude, footprint and ultimate cumulative impacts of human activities can threaten ocean ecosystems and have changed over time, resulting in new challenges and threats to marine ecosystems. A fundamental gap in […]
Productivity Commission Regulation of Australian Marine Fisheries
Productivity Commission Regulation of Australian Marine Fisheries Summary On 22 April 2016, SETFIA ED Simon Boag wrote to the Productivity Commission in relation to regulation of Australian marine fisheries. This letter is published for the public record and you can download it via the link below. Download the submission letter: https://setfia.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/SETFIA-submission-to-PC-Fisheries-22-April-2016.pdf