South-East Marine Park Review Summary This submission is submitted on behalf of two fishing industry associations who combined represent the two largest fisheries (by volume) operating within and around the South-East Marine Park Network. These two fisheries are the Commonwealth Trawl Sector and the Gillnet, Hook, and Trap Sector. These fisheries catch 79% of the […]

Proposed Gippsland Renewable Energy Zone (windfarms) Summary This submission is from two fishing industry associations that represent the two largest fisheries straddling the area under consideration off Gippsland; combined they are likely the most impacted with ∼19,000 tonnes caught annually (inside and outside the area under consideration). Both are managed by the Commonwealth Government. The […]

Senate Committee – quota systems (2) Summary On 8 October 2021, SETFIA ED Simon Boag wrote to the Senate Committee in response to a question taken on notice from Senator Whish-Wilson about SETFIA Membership. This letter is published for the public record and you can download it via the link below.   Download the submission […]

Senate Committee – quota systems (1) Summary On 12 March 2021, SETFIA ED Simon Boag wrote to the Senate Committee in relation to the fisheries quota system, which was being considered by the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee. This letter is published for the public record and you can download it […]