What we do
Shared marine space
How shared marine space proponents can work with the fishing industry in the South-East
The commercial fishing industry in the South-East acknowledges the contribution made by fossil fuels in the production of seafood and in the broader economy.
We understand too that the Global and Australian communities have committed to reducing carbon emissions and finding lower carbon energy and that marine windfarms and carbon sequestration may be part of the solution. The fishing industry wishes to be a good old neighbour and to agree to behaviours and systems that reduce mutual impact and risk from shared marine space new entrants and proponents.
However, fishing businesses have worked in the South-East for more than 100 years. They invested in Government issued fishing property rights in good faith believing their face value-access to fishing grounds and to sustainable levels of catch. The industry pays ongoing, significant, and generally increasing, levies to the Commonwealth Government for these rights. These rights must be upheld, and compensation must be paid where access to fishing grounds is lost, and for-profit companies benefit commercially from the fishing industry's absence.
The attached two documents, “Position statement on Marine Seismic Survey Proponent engagement” and “WORKING WITH THE AUSTRALIAN FISHING INDUSTRY: A guide for the Oil & Gas Industry” are pragmatic in proposing ways for the fishing industry and new entrants to co-exist.
We welcome contact from shared marine space proponents and have a 15-year history of assisting other industries co-exist with the fishing industry.