Victorian Liberal / National Country of Origin Labelling press release

Victorian Liberal / National Country of Origin Labelling press release

The fishing industry welcomes the announcement a Victorian Liberal and Nationals Government will implement mandatory country of origin seafood labelling (CoOL) for cooked seafood sold in pubs, clubs, and cafes.

The new rules are as simple as seafood being labelled as Australian or imported and already exist for uncooked seafood.

Unscrupulous retailers currently disguise imported seafood under Australian fish names to increase price and demand.

The new policy would put an end to consumer rip-offs such as duckbill from Argentina being commonly sold as “flathead”.

Today’s announcement tightens the noose on dodgy cooked seafood retailers and follows a similar announcement from Federal Labor prior to the last election.

These laws already exist in the Northern Territory. The NT is the only place in Australia where consumers can be assured the seafood they order, is what they get. Restaurants in the NT have embraced seafood labelling laws and it was implemented smoothly in that jurisdiction.

The fishing industry calls on Victorian Labor to also protect consumers from misleading seafood labelling by adopting the Liberal and Nationals Victorian policy and following through on Federal Labor’s commitment.

Simon Boag
EO Southern Shark Industry Alliance (SSIA)
EO South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA)

The Southern Shark Industry Alliance (SSIA) represents quota owners, fishers and processors in the Commonwealth managed Gillnet, Hook and Trap fishery.  The main catch is gummy shark also known as flake.

The South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA) represents quota owners, fishers and fish wholesalers in the Commonwealth Managed South East Trawl Fishery.

Combined these fisheries are the largest supplier of fresh local fish into Melbourne and Sydney.



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