SETFIA, AFMA and the Australian Maritime College’s plan to save seals

To address the issue of seal bycatch in trawl fisheries, SETFIA and AFMA are funding a fishing gear design competition open to all students of the Australian Maritime College and the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies. The competition will encourage innovative thinking in the next generation of fisheries managers and marine engineers by asking students to design bycatch mitigation devices to reduce the accidental capture of seals.

The competition encourages sustainable and innovative thinking, provides students with a great opportunity to gain valuable experience and to develop connections with the commercial fishing industry. The ultimate goal is to have the device commercialised and in use in our fishery where it will help reduce seal bycatch.

The competition is open now and entries close on 1 June 2015. The winner of the competition will receive $500, second place $350 and third place $150 in prize money. For further information please contact Nick Rawlinson at IMAS –