Senate Committee – quota systems (2) Summary On 8 October 2021, SETFIA ED Simon Boag wrote to the Senate Committee in response to a question taken on notice from Senator Whish-Wilson about SETFIA Membership. This letter is published for the public record and you can download it via the link below.   Download the submission […]

Senate Committee – quota systems (1) Summary On 12 March 2021, SETFIA ED Simon Boag wrote to the Senate Committee in relation to the fisheries quota system, which was being considered by the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee. This letter is published for the public record and you can download it […]

Deep sea corals on South-East seamounts Abstract Environmental harm to deep-sea coral reefs on seamounts is widely attributed to bottom trawl fishing. Yet, accurate diagnoses of impacts truly caused by trawling are surprisingly rare. Similarly, comprehensive regional assessments of fishing damage rarely exist, impeding evaluations of, and improvements to, conservation measures. Here we report on […]

More marine park impacts will reduce fish supply and jobs in rural towns – they do not address the actual risks facing the marine environment The Southern Shark Industry Alliance Inc. (SSIA) has issued a press release explaining that they have successfully applied to the Australian Fish Names Committee to have the fish name “Flake” recognised so it […]

French Seismic Survey Destroying Local Livelihoods French seismic company CGG started the largest seismic survey ever undertaken in south-east Australia the morning after bushfires swept through communities just north of Lakes Entrance in January this year. Marine seismic surveys use blasts from a powerful air gun that is up to 16km wide to see kilometres […]

South-East Fishing Industry Grateful for Government Pandemic Support Assistant Fisheries Minister Duniam today announced that $10m, or 2/3rds of all levies collected by the Australian Government for the management of Commonwealth fisheries, will be waived. The South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA), Small Pelagic Fishery Industry Association (SPFIA) and Southern Shark Industry Alliance (SSIA) thank […]