The Assistant Minister, Senator the Hon. Anne Ruston, has welcomed Ms Renata Brooks (middle) to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) Commission for a three year appointment until 30 June 2019. Commissioners Ian Cartwright [bottom left], Professor Keith Sainsbury [top right] and Richard Stevens [right] have also been re-appointed until 30 June 2019, following the […]

4 October 2016.  For immediate release. Each year the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) release a report on the stock status of all fish stocks managed by the Australian Government.  The 2016 report was released on 30 September and shows sustained excellence in fisheries management by the Commonwealth Government. For […]

Independent reports from the Expert Scientific Panel and Bioregional Advisory Panels for zoning within the Commonwealth marine protected area network have been released by the Minister for the Environment and Energy, the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP.   According to the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences the zoning as proclaimed in 2012 would have […]

Contemporary understanding was that an ancient group of fishes called jawless fishes (which still exist today) evolved into five different groups of fishes these being; placoderms (now extinct), spiny sharks (also extinct), fin-ray fishes (modern fishes), cartilaginous fishes (sharks and rays) and lobe-fin fishes.  One group, the lobe-ray fishes evolved into tetrapods that became the land animals like […]

The Productivity Commission (PC) is the Australian Government’s review and advisory body on policy, regulation, social and environmental issues. Its role is to recommend policies in the long-term interest of the community. The PC has recently released its draft report on marine fisheries and aquaculture. Appointed by the Federal Treasurer, the enquiry aimed to find economic efficiencies, […]