Fishing – No Tax Increases

The Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA) is strongly opposed to any suggestion of tax increases for professional fishers as rumoured to be proposed through removal of the primary producers rebate for use of diesel fuel, under the Fuel Tax Credit Scheme.

Under the Scheme, the Government provides a rebate of the excise and customs duty paid on diesel fuel used by primary producers, including professional fishers.

In the CFA’s Election Statement Policy to the Coalition, strong support was given for the Fuel Tax Credit Scheme to be maintained, in order to provide Australian fishers with access to world equivalent prices for fuel. Diesel fuel is a vital to the fishing industry and can comprise of up to40% of the total operating costs (depending on the fishery) for Australian fishing businesses.

CFA Chair, Anthony Ciconte said the Australian seafood industry provides fresh seafood to Australian and international consumers, contributes to the Australian economy, and the Government rather than hindering the industry should support ways to reduce costs and make fishing more competitive.

“Any move by the Coalition Government to cut the fuel rebate would go against their election commitments. The maintenance of the fuel tax credit scheme for fishing industry use is important for Australian professional fishers as primary producers of seafood”

“Even a minor cut will have substantial effects on the fishing industry and businesses, and would severely threaten the economic viability of many fishing operations”, Mr. Ciconte said.

CFA are supporting the agriculture sector to maintain all Australian food producing sectors’ competitiveness.


Media Contact:
Renee Vajtauer 0404 102 140

About the CFA

The Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA) is the peak industry body representing the interests of fishers in Commonwealth-managed fisheries, who generate a significant part of Australia’s $2.2 billion in economic activity in the seafood industry.

Commonwealth fisheries are a recognised valuable natural asset for the Australian community and make an important contribution to both the national and local economies. The fishing industry is responsible for valuable jobs and infrastructure, particularly in regional areas. The fishing industry supports good health in the community by supplying fresh, healthy seafood to Australian and overseas consumers.

Commonwealth wild harvest fisheries are among the best managed and most sustainable in the world. Commonwealth fishers are committed to managing for a sustainable environment. Commonwealth fisheries are regulated under two ecologically sustainable development (ESD) legislative frameworks and are subject to the Commonwealth Fisheries Harvest Strategy Policy.

The CFA supports marine biodiversity conservation initiatives that recognise not only the need to meet biodiversity conservation objectives, but also to ensure a sustainable future for the eco-system services that the marine environment provides, including fisheries.

The CFA is committed to promoting an informed awareness and greater understanding of the commercial fishing industry, its value and contribution to the Australian community.