From July 1 2018, new Australian Marine Park management plans will come into effect, creating new rules for where fishing can occur in 44 marine parks around the country. Australian Marine Parks are located in Commonwealth waters, 3 to 200 nautical miles from the coastline, beyond state water boundaries. Commercial fishing can occur in yellow and […]

In 2004, the Australian and Queensland governments increased protection of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) closing 117,000 km2 of the reef to commercial fishing inside the Great Barrier Reef marine park. A report by four fisheries scientists explains that the Australian and Queensland governments supported the creation of the parks in the belief that the […]

Parks Australia manages six Commonwealth national parks on land, the Australian National Botanic Gardens, and Australia’s network of Commonwealth Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). Parks Australia is part of the federal environment portfolio in the Department of the Environment. Parks Australia is launching a new alert service to help Commonwealth commercial fishers know when they enter […]

A project undertaken at the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, and supervised by Dr Karen Miller [Reproduced in full from the project summary by the Australia and Pacific Science Foundation]. Seamounts are recognised as hotspots of biodiversity, but are under increasing threat from activities such as fishing and mining, as well […]

Fears of a food crisis and violence were re-ignited internationally in August 2010 when the worst drought in 100 years destroyed a third of Russia’s grain crop, prompting the government to ban wheat exports. This move to protect domestic supplies and keep prices low encouraged the Ukraine and Kazakhstan to follow suit. Subsequently, typhoons hit […]