What’s an otilith?
Otoliths are hard, calcium carbonate structures located directly behind the brain of bony fishes. Sometime also referred to as ‘ear stones’, they are used by fish for hearing and balance and help the fish know which way is up. Otoliths range in size from one-tenth of an inch to one inch long and are found […]
Austral Fisheries win Banksia award
SETFIA member Austral Fisheries have won the Banksia Foundation’s 2017 Small to Medium Business Sustainability Leadership Award, for their work within the Australian fisheries landscape over the past 20 years. Their work in Australia’s Northern Prawn and sub-Antarctic fisheries is explained in this video. These fisheries were some of the first in Australia to be […]
The Melbourne tea tree bloom in the first week of November signals the start of snapper season – Victorian recreational anglers flood boat ramps seeking big reds. Snapper has been a small part of the South East Trawl (SET) Fishery’s catch for more than 100 years and some by-catch is an unavoidable part of the sector’s 10,000+ […]
Marine park proposal should be welcomed by all Australians
The South East Trawl Fishery is located around the South East Marine Reserve network. 14 marine parks covering 388,000km2 of the south east are all closed to trawling. They have been there for nearly 10 years. Take a video tour here. Like fisheries closures (which are much larger) these marine parks protect the seafloor from […]
ABARES Fishery Status Report
In September the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) released the 22nd edition of the Fishery Status Reports. This report provides an independent evaluation of the biological and economic status of 94 fish stocks across 22 fisheries, including those managed both solely and jointly by the Australian Government. It also summarises […]
‘Australian Made’ do the right thing
In June the newsletter ran a piece about the plight of Ocean Oils, a Melbourne based business selling squalene oil. It had become almost impossible to sell any oil in Australia because of the influx of foreign oils that had somehow been able to obtain the ‘Made in Australia’ brand. The ACCC has recently ruled […]
FRDC “Fish” magazine article on orange roughy
FRDC Fish magazine article Sept 2017
Plenty of roughy in the sea, latest survey finds
The results of a survey of the spawning biomass of orange roughy off eastern Tasmania have just been released. Under contract to SETFIA the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) surveyed St Patrick’s Head and St Helen’s Hill off eastern Tasmania in July 2016 where orange roughy aggregate to spawn. CSIRO use an […]
Principles? What principles?
By Ross Winstanley* Victorian seafood consumers are paying the cost of a political winner-take-all approach to bay and inlet fish resource allocation. Victoria’s major parties have abandoned commitments to consumers’ right to access local bay and inlet species through the commercial supply chain. In Australian inshore fisheries, defining fair shares among competing interests has challenged […]
Fish waste – it is not just the fisher’s problem!
Food loss and waste is a huge global issue, with the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) estimating in 2011 that one-third of food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted globally, which amounts to about 1.3 billion tonnes per year. This wastage occurs throughout the food supply chain, from initial production down to final […]