Crew member Richard Knox couldn’t believe his eyes when this massive pink ling was hauled on board the Petuna Endeavour. The average pink ling is 1m long and weighs less than 10 kg’s. The maximum reported weight for pink ling is 25 kg’s at which time it would be 30 years old. However, the pink […]

Prior to management under the Harvest Strategy, eastern gemfish were depleted in southern NSW when in the 70’s and 80’s when catches were as high as 7,000 tonnes a year. Eastern gemfish spawn in June, July and August and most by-catch is taken in winter as the fish undertake their spawning run on NSW’s south […]

A few facts about marine parks: • Before proclamation of the most recent Marine Reserves on 16 November 2012, the total area of Commonwealth Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) was almost 839,000 km2 (including the Great Barrier Reef network established between 1983 and 2004 and the 2006 South East Marine Reserve Network). After proclamation, the total […]

The Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) has released the 17th edition of Fishery Status Report (2011). This annual report is similar to the ground breaking national snapshot report released in December but the latest Fishery Status Report covers all fish species managed by the Commonwealth Government (not those managed by […]

Basking shark becomes a 3d model The last newsletter reported on the once in a lifetime capture of a large basking shark by a South East Trawl fishing boat and its donation to the Melbourne Museum. Dr Martin Gomon from the Museum has provided the Association an update on the work completed since the shark […]

Queen snapper (Nemadactylus valenciennesi) have been documented in southern Australia, from southern Western Australia to Victoria and Tasmania. However, this individual (which we believe is N. valenciennesi) had a bad start to 2013 when he/she was caught by a SETFIA member in Eden NSW, well outside its normal range (see distribution map). The fishermen who […]