US tightens laws on “forced labour” seafood
US President Barack Obama may soon consider a bill that would ban the importation of products linked to forced labour, which could include seafood from Thailand. The U.S. Tariff Act (1930) already gives customs officials the authority to reject and block imports of products suspected to be produced with slave labour. However, the law contains […]
Member of the month – Grahame Turk
Congratulations to the Chairman of the Sydney Fish Market, Grahame Turk AM. Grahame was honoured on Australia Day as a Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM). Grahame’s honour was bestowed in recognition for significant service to the fisheries and seafood industry through leadership roles, to the development and sustainability of the sector and with […]
Fish of the Day – Endo’s Goosefish
Check out this interesting fish recently caught by one of our trawlers working off the Victorian coast. Looking like the devil himself, this is Endo’s Goosefish (Lophiodes endoi, also known by some people as monkfish) which is a deepwater member of the anglerfish family of fishes. Growing to 38cm, this species can be found around […]
What do Melbourne’s Best Fish & Chip Shops Have in Common?
Melbourne’s Australian Seafood Fish and Chippery has taken out top spot in The Age’s Goodfood Best Fish and Chips 2016. This doesn’t come as a surprise because they made the top 10 in the Herald Sun in January last year. Social media seems to agree with perfect 5/5 Facebook reviews, 5/5 from Trip Advisor and even […]
Charities ranked for reputation
The Charity Reputation Index is produced each year by research consultants AMR, which also produces the annual Corporate Reputation Index, Country Reputation Index and City Reputation Index. The Charity Reputation Index collates insight directly from consumers, and does not rely on any information provided by the organisations being studied. The list of the Top 40 […]
Productivity Commission Inquiry Announced
Just prior to Christmas, the Treasurer, the Honorable Scott Morrison, announced a Productivity Commission inquiry into the regulatory burden imposed on the Australian marine fisheries and aquaculture sectors. The Association is highly supportive of this announcement given it coincided with AFMA’s proposal to increase cost recovered levies in the trawl fishery under a new system […]
Learn about Danish seine trawling
Learn more about the Danish seine method of trawling by watching this informative video including some underwater video of the gear in action. [wpdevart_youtube]74IOuDv6-JU[/wpdevart_youtube] (or watch directly on YouTube here)
Gulper exclusion trial successful
The gulper exclusion proof-of-concept trial has been successful. Read on to learn more and see trawl footage taken at 500m depth. Harrisson’s dogfish and southern dogfish are part of a group of sharks called Upper-Slope Dogfish or Gulper Sharks. To rebuild populations of gulpers AFMA has put a series of closures in place. These closures are […]
Fish stocks in the south east trawl fishery being fished sustainably
30 October 2015. For immediate release. Each year the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) release a report on the stock status of all fish stocks managed by the Australian Government. Mr Simon Boag, Executive Officer of the South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA), explained, “Today’s report shows sustained excellence […]
Show your support for Port Phillip Bay fishers
In November, the Victorian Government will seek to ban commercial net fishing in Port Phillip Bay. This means Victorians will no longer have access to fresh, local and affordable seafood. Read more here: Save Bay Seafood To show your support for Port Phillip Bay commercial fishers: visit the web page and sign the online petition […]