The Commonwealth Fisheries Association (CFA), with the support of industry around Australia, has lodged a nomination with the Department of Sustainability, the Environment, Water, Population and Communities for marine seismic survey activities as a key threatening process under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. There is growing evidence that seismic surveys cause damage to […]

South East Trawl vessels managing offal to reduce their attractiveness to seabirds but also use pinkies (buoys) to physically deflect seabirds away from warps (cables used to tow nets). Both are part of what is known as a Seabird Management Plan (SMP). Operating to an approved SMP is now a condition on the fishing permit […]

Funded by the Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, SETFIA, in partnership with Fishwell Consulting and the South East Australian Maritime Education Centre has run a nationally accredited training course called Improved Environmental Work Practices. The courses were run in early 2011.  A steering committee including a representative from the Australian Marine Conservation Society set the […]

A new project aims to reduce seal interactions by shortening trawl fishing nets. SETFIA has established a project steering committee with representatives from the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA), SETFIA, Fishwell Consulting and the Phillip Island Nature Parks. The project is supported by AFMA through funding from the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country initiative […]

SETFIA and the South East Maritime Education Centre (SEAMEC) have won the Seafood Industry Victoria’s Seafood Industry Training Award for 2011. The award is recognition of the Improved Environmental Operations course completed by 82 South East Trawl fishermen. The award was presented to Richard Owen, SEAMEC’s General Manager and Simon Boag, SETFIA’s CEO by Victoria’s […]

SETFIA has supported the progression of an additional condition to the trawl fishing license. The new condition states that all trawl vessels must have, and work to, an approved seabird management plan (SMP). This new condition is effective from November 1 2012 this year. From that time South East Trawl vessels must work to approved […]

Diesel costs for the South East Trawl fleet are in the order of 20-25% of total operating costs. Diesel prices have been rising steadily for some years and as such the industry has been strongly incentivised to reduce fuel use for some time. An FRDC report about alternate fuels for fishing vessels found that although […]

Seals are attracted to fishing vessels by the promise of an easy feed, they often chase fish in trawl nets. Unfortunately, some seals become disorientated in trawls and drown. Freezer vessels are boats that freeze fish at sea rather than bring fish home fresh. Around half of the South East Trawl blue grenadier catch is […]

Ashley McNamara (left) (21) and Brendan McKewen (24) are the Skippers of the 71 foot South East Trawl vessel the Western Alliance. The pair of Gen-Y’ers have volunteered to run the shortened trawl project that was launched in September. The project is supported by ExxonMobil and the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country program. Seals […]

Australia may have bowed out of the Rugby World Cup in the semis but South East Trawl (SET) Fishermen continue to do well. SET fishermen have been recognised in a strong field and have placed as finalists in the prestigious Environment and Sustainability Awards at the 2011 Regional Achievement and Community Awards. Ian Walker (right, […]