By Ross Winstanley* Recreational fishing in Australia faces an interesting challenge: a recent decline in the community’s view of its sustainability.  While community perceptions of commercial fishing’s sustainability sit at a lower level, the industry has invested heavily – and with some success – in maintaining public support.  It would be risky for recreational fishing […]

By Tanya King  Senior  Lecturer In Anthropology, Deakin University In 2017 many of you would have been invited to complete a survey on health, wellbeing, safety and resilience, as part of the FRDC-funded project, Sustainable Fishing Families. The report of this project has recently been released and the results are confronting, highlighting poor health outcomes […]

The Southern Shark Industry Alliance (SSIA) represents operators and quota holders in the Commonwealth managed gillnet, hook and trap (GHaT) sector, a sector in the larger fishery that also encompasses the trawl fishery.  SSIA recently wrote to a large number of fish and chip shops across Australia. The letter explained to these selected shops that […]