Why is the East Australian Current Behaving so Badly?
The East Australian Current (EAC) is a flow of water that is formed from the South Equatorial Current crossing the Coral Sea and reaching the eastern coast of Australia off Queensland. As the South Equatorial Current hits the Australian coast it divides forming the southward flow of the EAC. The EAC is the largest ocean current close to the shores of […]
Marine Mammal Report Released
All primary production has environmental impacts and most have some impact on native mammal populations. On land, farmers can apply for permits to destroy kangaroos while no rules exist for vehicle road kill. However, in the marine environment the rules are much tougher. All marine mammals are afforded protection under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity […]
Changes to the AFMA Commission
The Assistant Minister, Senator the Hon. Anne Ruston, has welcomed Ms Renata Brooks (middle) to the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) Commission for a three year appointment until 30 June 2019. Commissioners Ian Cartwright [bottom left], Professor Keith Sainsbury [top right] and Richard Stevens [right] have also been re-appointed until 30 June 2019, following the […]
PRESS RELEASE: Independent Report Finds South East Fish Stocks in Great Shape
4 October 2016. For immediate release. Each year the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) release a report on the stock status of all fish stocks managed by the Australian Government. The 2016 report was released on 30 September and shows sustained excellence in fisheries management by the Commonwealth Government. For […]