A glass house called accountability and reforms Australia desperately needs
In undertaking a 2014 Nuffield Scholarship I have so far traveled to seventeen countries researching resource management practices, commercial fishing techniques and the legislative processes in place that govern the two. These three things are linked when considering how best to regulate an industry that extracts from a self-replenishing resource to ensure that extraction never […]
$25m to develop Port of Eden
Eden is an important port in the South-East Trawl Fishery. However, south-west gales cause significant damage to recreational and commercial vessels in the port. Recognising this, the NSW State Government, Commonwealth Government and Bega Valley Shire Council have announced they will spend $25m on a wave attenuator, the extension of the breakwater wharf for cruise […]
NZ orange roughy fishery seeks 3rd party sustainability certification
Three of New Zealand’s orange roughy fisheries have entered the lengthy and rigorous Marine Stewardship Council sustainability assessment process. New Zealand’s Ministry of Primary Industry and the industry association the Deepwater Group have been working together for the past ten years to better manage and rebuild the orange roughy stocks, and are now looking to […]
Living fossil captured
The frilled shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) gains its name from its six pairs of frill like gills. It is one of two remaining species of this ancient family which dates back 80 million years. It has a wide but patchy distribution in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans on the outer and upper continental slope, generally near the […]