Barbara has spent her life working with fish. Her father started a wholesale stall at the Melbourne Fish Market in 1968 and this business still continues.  Barbara worked in the family business from the age of 19 to 24.  She says that working in that business in school holidays taught her how to work, how […]

In 2010, under a Labor Government, Fisheries Victoria engaged celebrity chef Neil Perry from the Rockpool Bar and Grill in Melbourne to narrate a video (screen shots to the left) called “SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD”.  The video explained the sustainability, science and cultural importance of the 150 year old commercial net fishery in Port Phillip Bay as […]

Extracted from AFMA’s Annual Report 2011/15 The South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association has enjoyed a long and productive working relationship with AFMA. The Association represents the interests of over 35 fishers working in the South East Trawl sector of the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery, providing fresh local seafood for the people […]

30 year old Josh Pearce is November’s Member of the Month. Josh runs the Sanford Wholesale Fish Market in Youell Street Footscray having moved to Melbourne with wife Anna, two young children (and the family dog) from Auckland. Publically listed Sanford Ltd are New Zealand’s biggest seafood company with an annual turnover of NZ$452m and […]

30 October 2015. For immediate release. Each year the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES) release a report on the stock status of all fish stocks managed by the Australian Government. Mr Simon Boag, Executive Officer of the South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association (SETFIA), explained, “Today’s report shows sustained excellence […]

The Lakes Entrance Fisherman’s Co-operative has invested in a fantastic new automated school whiting filleting machine. This machine was adapted from Scandinavian technology and at full speed can fillet three whiting a second. Dale Sumner, Co-op General Manager explained, “eastern school whiting is a large volume local species that for many years was packed whole […]